Category Archives: Animal Life

Pleased with my progress…

Notice the 3 main body parts: the prosoma (the front horseshoe shape), the opisthosoma (middle), and the telson (tail). People mistake the telson for a weapon, but it is actually used as a rudder for steering, and to help right itself if it gets flipped over. NEVER, never, never pick up a live horeseshoe crab by its telson.

Notice the 3 main body parts: the prosoma (the front horseshoe shape), the opisthosoma (middle), and the telson (tail). People mistake the telson for a weapon, but it is actually used as a rudder for steering, and to help right itself if it gets flipped over. NEVER, never, never pick up a live horeseshoe crab by its telson.

I am featuring my pages related to places on the website until spring break, but I was working on my horseshoe crab page today and was so pleased with how it is shaping up that I wanted to share it. Have a look and tell me what you think? Is there anything you would like to see added? Or is it too much?

Camp Leo Visits the Critters


Baby Alligators and Diamondback Terrapins

One of the programs offered by the Coastal Discovery Museum is an opportunity to “meet and greet” some of the critters that inhabit the lowcountry. Guests learn about the critters that inhabit the island and have the opportunity to touch and hold many of the animals, including alligators and snakes, but also some more traditionally “touchable” critters like rabbits.


Just chillin’ with the children.

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