- Juvenile Black Tipped Sharks.
- Unlike skates, Stingrays are dangerous to man. These rays are characterized by long thin tails that are armed by venomous spikes near the body. The spike can be observed here if you zoom in at the base of the tail. This ray was caught at Islanders Beach.
- Rays are bottom dwellers, often lying submerged under the sand of shallow waters. It is for this reason that beach goers are advised to shuffle their feet while moving through the water. Better to spook off a ray than step on it a risk the sting.
- Deceased Clearnose Skate washed up on Mitchelville Beach. This common skate is characterized by the small spines down the midline of the body.
- Burrfish, related to the Pufferfish, but with very obvious rigid spines covering their body. Both share the strange ability to inflate their bellies when threatened, with the sudden change in size and configuration discouraging would be predators.