Category Archives: Coastal Discovery Museum Tours

Blue Crab Adventure

blue crab 7-7-15

Look at that pretty girl flashing her painted nails (claws) at us.

I know, I know, it has been a year since I said I was going to start this blog, I guess it is safe to say that I can be a bit of a procrastinator. It has been an exciting year with much to share with you, but I had such a charming interaction with a fine young man from North Carolina that I need to jump right in with this.

One of the cool things that has happened in the past year is that I have become a docent at the Coastal Discovery Museum here on the island, so look forward to more about this in future posts. This morning I was the co-leader on the Blue Crab Discovery Tour where we teach guests about the importance of the Atlantic Blue Crab, the crab’s life cycle, and their importance as members of the coastal ecosystem. playing a role as both predators and prey. Continue reading