Category Archives: Uncategorized

Plans amended…

I had been scheduled for two salt marsh programs with summer camp groups today, but alas, these were cancelled due to the onslaught of stormy weather. Here’s hoping the weather clears by this eve for I am planning on an evening on the beach. One Leatherback Sea Turtle has nested on Hilton Head Island this season, and as a Sea Turtle Program volunteer I have been invited to participate in the nest inventory this evening, so keep your fingers crossed for me.

To make the best of the stormy weather I am working on the photo galleries for this site- Beach Formations, Critters, and Places. I’ve gone thru my photo files back to January of this year (I take a LOT of photos!!), uploading and organizing as I go. Before I go any further I will caption what I have so far. My hope is that you find the galleries not only cool to look at, but maybe give you a glimpse of something you’ve never seen before and a tidbit of info that you didn’t yet know. These will be a work in progress for a while, so check back often.


Moon Snail collar found near the Folly, January 2015.