Name that spider!

001I was finishing a Beach Discovery Tour at Mitchelville Beach yesterday when one of the guests found a large spider high up in a tree and asked what it was. I honestly don’t know a lot about spiders so I zoomed in, snapped a photo, and promised an answer by that evening to be posted to the Facebook page. Unfortunately my photo turned out to be very poor and the best I could come up with that it was a Yellow (or White) Banded Garden Spider.

I had another tour group this morning and was able to snap some better photos.


What a difference a better photo makes. Here it is from behind…

015With the better photos I can say with certainty that this beauty is a Golden Silk Orb Weaver, also commonly called a Banana Spider. Found in the warmer, southern areas of the U.S, the “Golden Silk” name refers to the golden silk it weaves, and the “Banana” name refers to the yellow abdomen. The body size, not including leg span, averages 1.5 to 2 inches long, with specimens up to 6 inches long observed(!!). Although venomous, the bite is not lethal to humans and is akin to a bee sting, with any pain, redness, or blister disappearing within a day. It may not kill me but I certainly do not want to be bitten, so I’ll look and photograph only, thank you.

Coming back from the beach, little Miss Makayla found more of these spiders in the tree canopy over the path to the beach and was very pleased to point them you to me.

017And spiderlings, too!! Happy day!!


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