Tag Archives: LLunar Cycle

Sex (?!) on the beach…


Last night was the new moon and the new moon means spring tides.  Tides are tied (groan) to the lunar cycle, with the highest (and lowest) tides happening every 14 days, at the new and full moons. These large tide swings is referred to as a spring tides. But why is this important you ask? Because Horseshoe Crabs are exceptionally numerous on our beaches during their spring spawning season that runs from March through June, and it is during the spring tides that the mama crabs venture onto the beaches en masse to deposit their eggs in the sand. Continue reading

So what is a King Tide?


The Salty Dog Cafe on October 28, 2015. Photo from The Island Packet.

If you have been on the island this week, or following the news on island happenings, you are well aware that we have been experiencing “King Tides” this week. Tuesday’s high tide was the third highest recorded since 1935, when the National Weather Service began collecting this information. So what exactly is a King Tide?Put simply, a King Tide is just an exceptionally High (and low) tide. These tides occur a just a few times a year, but to understand why, I think it is easiest to start with a brief explanation of how the tides occur. Continue reading