Category Archives: Animal Life

In Danger of Becoming Endangered…


I was so saddened to read the article published in “Scientific American” last week. I nearly shared this on the Facebook page for this website, but felt that it warranted a more complete and permanent sharing, so I have included the complete text here. People ask during my programs about threats to the animal being discussed (horseshoe crabs, dolphins, sea turtles, etc), and the biggest threat to all of these is MAN, and so it continues. These creatures predate the dinosaurs and have been of invaluable medical assistance since the 1950’s and look what we are doing to them. I could just cry.

Medical Labs May Be Killing Horseshoe Crabs

Drawing the crabs’ blue blood for vital medical testing can condemn the animals to die, even after they are returned to the sea.

In 2013 John Tanacredi, an environmental sciences professor at Molloy College on Long Island, N.Y., received a call from a friend who worked at nearby John F. Kennedy International Airport. “You’ve got to see this,” he told Tanacredi, and sent him a photo of a cargo container filled with 600 dead horseshoe crabs. It was mid-July, and airport officials had opened the container because of a rotting stench. Continue reading

Since when do Blue Crabs have tails?


You are walking along the beach when you spy a dead crab on the sand, and being the curious sort, you stop and have a look. You can tell it is a Blue Crab from the color and shape, and you can tell it is female from the red tipped claw. But wait, what is that sticking out behind? Since when do Blue Crabs have tails? Hmmm…it kinda, sorta looks like an itty bitty lobster tail. Continue reading

Sex (?!) on the beach…


Last night was the new moon and the new moon means spring tides.  Tides are tied (groan) to the lunar cycle, with the highest (and lowest) tides happening every 14 days, at the new and full moons. These large tide swings is referred to as a spring tides. But why is this important you ask? Because Horseshoe Crabs are exceptionally numerous on our beaches during their spring spawning season that runs from March through June, and it is during the spring tides that the mama crabs venture onto the beaches en masse to deposit their eggs in the sand. Continue reading

Mitchelville Beach Walk, March 26, 2016


Oysters and muscles nestled in the Spartina Grass.

I hope y’all had a wonderful Easter. I spent the day waiting for the rain to stop. And it didn’t. On the upside, I spent a delightful evening with a friend and her three granddaughters “playing beach collection.” It was like a beach program, but with my living room floor filling in for the part of the beach. I hope I didn’t bore them too terribly, but they seemed happy when they left with their bags of goodies. Continue reading

This week’s featured page…


Spring break is getting closer and closer, and this week’s featured page showcases another cool and educational place to visit over the break, the Port Royal Sound Foundation Maritime Center. I especially recommend a visit here if you have young ones, because they are going to LOVE the main exhibit room with the 3000 gallon aquarium and the awesome harks hanging from the ceiling. And did I mention the live critters they can visit up close? If you are heading to Paris Island or Beaufort, make sure to to plan some time for a stop here on the way.