Tag Archives: beachcombing

Mitchelville Beach Walk, March 26, 2016


Oysters and muscles nestled in the Spartina Grass.

I hope y’all had a wonderful Easter. I spent the day waiting for the rain to stop. And it didn’t. On the upside, I spent a delightful evening with a friend and her three granddaughters “playing beach collection.” It was like a beach program, but with my living room floor filling in for the part of the beach. I hope I didn’t bore them too terribly, but they seemed happy when they left with their bags of goodies. Continue reading

One more week…


Just one more week until spring break!! This week’s featured page showcases the beach around the heel of the island. Check it out.

Stormy Weather


Miss Shelby when she’s not scared.

My dog, the ever “brave” Pembroke Welsh Corgi Shelby, is hiding under my chair as thunder rumbles so loudly that the windows vibrate. I’m in for the night so I’m hoping that it storms all night long and clears by morn, as so often happens during the heat of summer. This isn’t because of any particular love for thunderstorms, indeed, the noise tends to keep me awake, but because I am planning an early morning beachcombing expedition and stormy weather often churns up interesting finds that would lie undisturbed in calmer water. Continue reading